Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Susie Grace Come Home

First trip in the car seat coming home from the hospital.
Mommy and daddy forgot the socks, such is the life of the middle child.
Susie (above) looks just like her brother Jonathan (below) on her coming home day.

Jonathan welcoming Susie home.
Gibbs welcoming Susie the only way that she knows how. Jonathan is making sure the carseat buckle is in good working condition.
The sleeping beauty
If you look quickly at the next two pictures, it looks like we are dancing.

In an effort to divert attention back to himself, Jonathan takes to banging his drum. Thankfully Susie slept through it all. I am sure when she is older she will more fully appreciate her brother's talents.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Such a beautiful baby and proud big brother. I can't wait to meet her. Love to all of you, your Auntie from Cincinnati.